
Laboratoire Environnement Marin Laboratoire Environnement Marin
LEMAR is a resolutely interdisciplinary laboratory, bringing together ecologists, biologists, biogeochemists, chemists, physicists and marine environmental lawyers. Its objectives are (1) to carry out research on topics of fundamental or social importance; (2) to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development objectives in countries of the North and South; (3) to provide innovation in phase with the economic world and results in support of public policies; (4) to provide interdisciplinary training in the field of marine and coastal sciences.
Evertéa Evertéa
A new name for the Rovaltain Foundation. Evertéa is a name that reflects the desire to perpetuate our actions and highlights our active and lasting role in the preservation of human health and the environment. By taking care of our ecosystem and supporting the researchers involved, we protect ourselves and our planet. The Evertéa Foundation takes a holistic view of health and will continue to make every citizen aware of the ways in which it can be preserved.
ANIPILL® is an innovative wireless monitoring device that provides reliable, continuous measurement of animal core temperature for research and veterinary purposes. The system is based on an implantable or ingestible capsule that continuously transmits temperature data to a dedicated monitor.
Ifremer- Unité PHYTNESS Ifremer- Unité PHYTNESS
Ifremer researches, innovates and provides expertise to protect the ocean, responsibly exploit its resources and share marine data.
Loligo Systems Loligo Systems
At Loligo® Systems, we are dedicated to advancing aquatic biology research by providing state-of-the-art equipment and innovative solutions. Our expertly designed products empower scientists worldwide to excel in various research fields, including aquatic respirometry, swimming performance, blood gas physiology, and animal behavioral analysis for a wide range of marine and freshwater organisms. Based on 20 years of experience, we understand the diverse and dynamic needs of the scientific community, which is why we offer bespoke solutions tailored to your unique research requirements. Our team of experienced professionals is committed to providing unparalleled scientific advice and support, ensuring that you receive the most accurate and reliable data possible. Loligo® Systems: Empowering aquatic research, together.
The Company of Biologists The Company of Biologists
The Company of Biologists is a not-for-profit publishing organisation dedicated to supporting and inspiring the biological community. We are run by distinguished practising scientists. We exist to profit science, not shareholders. We inspire new thinking and support the community of biologists. The focus of our activities is: publishing leading peer-reviewed journals facilitating scientific meetings and communities providing travel grants for young researchers supporting and funding research societies
Isblue Isblue
The Interdisciplinary graduate School for the Blue planet (ISblue) est une école universitaire de recherche créée pour relever les défis toujours plus grands auxquels sont confrontés les écosystèmes océaniques et côtiers. Elle a également pour vocation de former la prochaine génération d’innovateurs et de leaders scientifiques en matière de recherche océanographique afin de répondre aux besoins croissants de l’économie bleue par une formation de haut niveau axée sur la recherche.
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